Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week 1- Flower Blooms in Sunlight

Flower in the City: Catholic Relief Services Intern

                                                              Flower Blooms in Sunlight

      Hola! It's been a week here at Catholic Relief Services (CRS). So far so good. I am enjoying myself thus far. Once I get over waking up at 7am everyday I will enjoy it a lot more! haha. Once I get into my work time flies by! So far I am putting the finishing touches on a video I had to put together using existing footage. The object was to make something to introduce two video clips for a classroom seminar. It is called "Scholars in Global Solidarity". I made an intro using photos from the CRS photo database then laid down a voice over (read by a former news anchor from a local Baltimore station) and found an awesome track! I used the "Ken Burns Effect" to liven it up a bit. If you aren't familiar with the Ken Burns effect I suggest you Youtube it. The video included a clip about a village in Malawi and how CRS is helping them gain access to clean water and the other is a clip about a Nigerian orphan who takes care of his siblings. Because of the help from CRS, he adopted and sponsored another young orphan. Really interesting stuff...

      Anywho, I met with the client as well as another intern to show my video. I received an applause! Score! I did my happy dance when it was all over! They loved the music and the pictures and everything. All that was left to fix was the audio. No problem!They say I have set the bar for the other interns! Not bad for my first week (not bad at all). After this I am producing and editing a piece called "Footsteps in Faith". Its a video asking to donate to people in need. I shall update you guys more on my progress (so far I have a bunch of photos).

Hasta Luego

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